Although it may initially be overwhelming, getting a handle on the full scope of CNC machining capabilities available and how they can benefit your products is easy once CNC techniques have been properly defined. Owens Industries provides precision machining that achieve angular tolerance of two-thousandths of a degree.
Achieve impossible levels of perfection
Benefits of Precision Machining
Our precision machining company is supported by our experienced specialists and CNC machinists who are experts in programming, fixture design, and development. Ultra-precision requires our machinists to possess a deep understanding of a machine’s behavior not just programming and running in accordance with a manual. CNC machinists’ familiar with their machines give them the ability to push the machines beyond the manufacturers’ intended design and tolerance capabilities, maximizing their performance when needed.

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Harry Jones
Praesent pharetra risus pharetra orci ultrices, vel pharetra dolor eleifend. Donec a aliquet ex, sed gravida risus. Vivamus quis semper dui. Aliquam eget finibus felis, luctus iaculis liberoPraesent pharetra risus pharetra orci.

Adam Jones

Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.